
  • More snow!

    Work’s been a little better recently, night shifts still suck but I’m getting used to the long days plus I’ve also got enough time every day to get in about 45-60 mins of snowboarding which takes the edge off a little bit. I still haven’t broken anything, or at least not any bones… Put a dirty big crack in my googles yesterday after an elegant face plant, though I only actually noticed the crack when I took the goggles off to look at them. Maybe it was just my ugly mug that cracked them?

  • The Summer of Mike part? I'm losing count now

    Just booked flights to China for the end of April. Planning on a pretty kick ass trip with Damien, Dave and Anna, starting in China to skate through the Great Wall like some kind of Tony Hawk / David Copperfield hybrid, take on an army of clay soldiers, and then to Mongolia, which my main knowledge of comes from South Park telling me they have warriors consistently trying to burn down city walls with sweet & sour sauce. Sounds destructalicious.

  • Life as a mountain goat

    Having somewhat of an annoyance and dilemma at the moment… to keep the mountain job or not. Easy job with cool people, sometimes pretty fun work and a season pass, but long, cold days with sometimes inclement weather.

  • December gigs

    2 – Lucero, Drag The River (w/out band) @ The Biltmore, Vancouver

  • Snow days

    The temp is warming up a little, but the weather still managed to dump a load of snow on Vancouver. It doesn’t snow here often, let alone this early in the winter.

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