
  • I crane, you crane, we all crane for Ukraine!

    It was hard to know what to expect of Ukraine. Would they be nuts for boneless chicken wrapped around garlic butter? Would the place have a brilliant green glow to it when the sun went down? Would it be a land of friendly, fun loving people? I had no idea whatsoever so I was here on somewhat of an educational mission, to find out what really makes these people tick and to understand exactly what Ukraine was all about.

  • Latvia

    Riga was literally an overnight stop for us. Much bigger than Tallin although it was a lot quieter and had less things to do than the latter. So uhh, here are some pictures.

  • Estonia, the home of Skype.

    The more you know: Skype is an Estonian company (although the head office is situated in Luxembourg… incidentally, Luxembourg is the capital of Luxembourg. How’s that for an educational blog?!).

  • Architecture In Helsinki

  • St Pete

    St Petersburg has so far been the major standout of the trip, It was just so unexpectedly nice and very different from Moscow. There wasn’t an overwhelming amount of things to do or handfuls of things to see, but for lack of a better word it just had such a good vibe to it.

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